‌What if we design a speaker as some visual delight that relates to the intrinsic heritage from a past fond era. A speaker is generally designed to listen to music, however this speaker called the Disk, is not only designed for its superior sound quality but also for its aesthetic design form. The Disc is motivated from an iconic shape of traditional LP player. The housing is made from plastic with a 2.2inch display on top of the acoustic fabric. The user interface has a circular display, which rotates when playing music similar to a vinyl on an LP player. Platter and ToneArm are graphically considered into the design.

‌The disc has an extremely simple function. you can manipulate function by dial and lever on the top. you can also control by touch screen.

‌Early on in the concept stage, I took the archetype of an LP player and then minimized and rearranged the elements, because I didn't want to design something just for its looks or aesthetics. I had an old LP player that my grandfather gave me. I used to listen to it and play with it. I liked it not because of the quality of the sound, but because of the actual design itself. I used to stare at the LP vinyl while it rotated and be mesmerized by it. I loved the way it worked and I enjoyed how the dial and lever were used to manipulate the volume and modes.

‌2.2-inch display, Acoustic fabric, Inner structure, amp, housing, lever & dial